20 Days after the 2020 U.S. Election — A simple immigrant’s thought about a complex process — article 2

Chinu Khandker
4 min readNov 23, 2020


[Disclaimer — I am not a political analyst and, by no means, offering political opinions. Just thinking out loud. This is the 2nd part of my blog written and published on 11/7/2020.]

I always suspected myself of being a confused immigrant when it came to grasp the complex election process of the United States. Now, nearly a month later of the 2020 election, I know for sure, everyday my confusion is deepening. I keep hearing analysts saying that this situation is unprecedented, unparalleled, may even be dangerous enough to bring the end to the democracy. Perhaps people grew complacent as the past few transitions were civil and smooth, and everyone took it for granted as norm. I do realize the recent developments has caused many to think this current situation as being very unusual, uncomfortable and poses a great danger to the country’s stability and democracy. I do not want to undermine anyone’s concerns or sense of danger. I was just wondering, is it really that unprecedented and unparalleled? I mean, after all these years since 1789, is this the first time the constitution is being tested? Is this the first time democracy of this country is being challenged? Recently, I have been hearing a lot about President Rutherford Hayes’ name mentioned in Some TV channels. I knew he was a president of the United States only because, I wanted to impress my colleagues and friends by memorizing all the presidents names starting with George Washington. Anyway, I have read and seen documentaries based on a few great presidents namely, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and John F. Kennedy. Up until now, all I knew about Rutherford B. Hayes was that he was the 19th president of the United States. So when I heard his name mentioned several times, I was not sure what relevance it had with the current situation. I became curious and decided to know more about the 1876 election. I can hardly remember reading anything more thrilling. Like most people I also like reading books with twists and turns. But, boy! This is amazing! Enough for a simple immigrant to fall from a chair!

In 1879 election Rutherford B Hayes and Samuel J. Tilden were the presidential nominees from the Republican and the Democratic parties respectively. The public voted for their choice of candidates. The preliminary result showed Tilden won both the popular and the electoral votes. However, incredible amounts of twists and turns started as soon as the result was published. By the end of it all, Rutherford Hayes took oath as the 19th president of the United States. To learn the details of those twists and turns, please refer to the historical article,’Compromise of 1877’, available on the net. It must have been one of the most strange, controversial, disputed and highly charged situations. I am sure many political analysts and people of that time thought that the Integrity of the Constitution was being tested,and democracy of the country was in grave danger. It is all history now.

Speaking of history, it is an amazing tool! It teaches lessons — good and bad. People are free to learn from it or ignore it. Anyway all that referencing to that event made me think, why some political analysts are discussing this part of the history now? What is the significance? What is the relevance? What is the purpose of referencing a historical event of almost 150 years ago ? Hasn’t the country moved well past that? Then I thought, perhaps they are just trying to remind people to pay close attention to the history and learn from it. Anyway, my simple mind said, ‘but, that was then, it is now’. The country has come a long way since then. It has gone through many twists, turns and obstacles. Its most valuable possessions, Democracy and Constitution, have been tested time and again. Fortunately, the preservation of these along with the best interest of the country and its people always remained on top of everyone’s list. Then a different thought occurred. Is it a reminder that the turmoil those twists and turns caused, though pretty grave at that time, could be proven pale compared to the new turmoil that will rise due to these new unpredictable, unprecedented and unparalleled twists and turns that the country is facing now? I wanted to imagine what that turmoil could be like. I know, it’s a pretty wild and absurd thought. Hopefully it will remain as such - just an absurd thought. History of this country had shown what the forefathers did to resolve differences and preserve country’s integrity, democracy and its honor since the day George Washington was inaugurated, April 30, 1789. It is only an infallible fact that there will always be people and incidents to test the constitution and challenge the democracy of the country. But, it is also a fact that the country has sustained by overcoming many dangerous situations and prospered beyond imagination for more than two centuries. It is once again going through challenges somewhat similar to 1876. But the good thing is, today’s circumstances are different, population is more diverse, and people are more engaged. Also, now there is a well documented history available to learn from and be used as a reference or guidance. I believe all Americans, leaders, politicians and public alike will come together and keep protecting their most valuable assets and possessions, Constitution and Democracy, for centuries to come.

