Chinu Khandker
1 min readFeb 14, 2022

A February Day — Anticipation

[This short poem was written for KIP’s Creative Writing Club. The specific date in in the poem was 2/12/2022, a surprisingly warm and bright day]

Only a week ago, we had 8 inches of snow

But today, what a wonderful sight !

No, no new leaves or tulips are out yet

Ground is not yet ready for the seeds to grow

Forecast says, it will be in the 20's again soon

Is it too early to hope for no more snow?

I was out in my garden, wondering,what a

Beautiful day, it was! Sky was clear and blue,

Felt warmth all over, and I thought

Is it Spring already? That can’t be true!

Suddenly, I heard some happy calls

I looked up. Saw the birds up high

In a perfect triangular form they flew

Towards the North in that February sky.

Well, is it not a sign of spring being near

When birds fly from south to north?

I know the groundhog saw his shadow,

But, I go with the birds, whatever it is worth.